Purple Succulent Care


Purple Succulent Care

echeveria cubic frost purple succulent sale

echeveria cubic frost purple succulent sale Source: website

aeonium purple penny pinwheel succulent

aeonium purple penny pinwheel succulent Source: website

echeveria purple pearl world succulents

echeveria purple pearl world succulents Source: website

15 Amazing Purple Succulents and Cacti You Would Love …

Purple succulents are very popular not only because they are attractive but also because they are very versatile. Purple succulents and cacti look great in container gardens and when planted in the ground. They truly add a vibrancy of color to your garden space. Below are the top purple succulents and cacti to choose from. Echeverias are one of the best choices if you’re looking for succulents in the purple hues. Read more…

12 Most Beautiful Purple Succulents – Good Succulents

Pastel green foliage shows a purple-fuchsia with the help of sunlight. They look their best when they can get full sun daily. Although they are very attractive with the vibrant colors, Graptoveria Bashful is a tender succulent type that will not survive winter in the freezing temperatures. They must be carried indoors to avoid frost in cold winters. Read more…

9 Vibrant Purple Succulents – Sublime Succulents

Purple Flush, like other varieties of String of Beads, is easy to care for. They are extremely drought tolerant and prefer well-draining soil. They are extremely drought tolerant and prefer well-draining soil. Read more…
