Guide To Watering Succulents
beginners guide watering succulents water
Source: website
succulent care tips growing succulents succulents
Source: website
fail guide choosing growing succulents
Source: website
How to Water Succulents and Cacti: The Ultimate Guide …
The key takeaway is to water succulents infrequently but use plenty of water. Try to water directly at the base of the plant , not on the leaves. Use every ten days as your baseline, but watch your plants and adjust accordingly based on the weather, the season, and the species. Read more…
Guide to Succulents – Better Homes and Gardens
Water succulents about once a week during the growing season, but let them dry out completely between watering sessions and never get the soil soggy. If you live in a climate where the succulents go dormant during cooler weather, you can increase the amount of time between watering sessions. Read more…
How to Water Succulents – Better Homes and Gardens
Succulents require more water in the early spring when the plant is growing. Water needs may lessen in the summer and even more so during the winter. When the light decreases during the winter months and most succulents are in a dormant period, their water requirements also decrease. During winter, water your succulents when the soil is dry. Read more…