Succulent Container Ideas How To Make
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How to Make an Easy Succulent Container Garden
Cover the bottom of the container with enough succulent-mix potting soil so that when the plants are placed, the soil line on their stems will remain about 1/2 inch below the rim of the container. This will make it easier to water the pot without overflowing the sides of the container. Continue to 5 of 8 below. Read more…
Creative Succulent Container Ideas – The Spruce – Make …
As when planting any succulent, use either a potting soil made specifically for succulents and cacti, or make your own by taking a good quality potting mix and adding either pumice or perlite. Make sure to use a container that either has drainage holes one that you can punch or drill holes in. Drainage is key to keeping your succulents healthy. Read more…
Succulent Container Garden Plans | Better Homes & Gardens
Circular clay containers create the perfect home for this grouping of sedums and echeverias. Clay pots make a good choice for succulents because they absorb water so soil in this type of container dries quickly. An upright showy sedum anchors the large terra-cotta pot; the sedum develops pink flowers in late summer. Read more…