Identifying Succulents Leaves
botany identification succulent plant biology stack
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identification identify succulentechevaria
Source: website
succulent house plant identification youtube
Source: website
Succulent Identification Chart – find your unknown plant here
If you're identifying succulents to find out more about how to grow them successfully, this chart might help narrow down your search. Identify your succulent by: shape (strappy or spiky leaves) growth habit (rosette forming) by peculiar and unique distinguishing characteristics ( babies growing on the edges of the leaves). Read more…
Types of Succulents: Species, Varieties, Identification …
The best way to identify succulents is by their leaf shape and growth habit. Of course, fleshy leaves are what classifies succulents apart from other plants. Some succulent species have fleshy leaves that grow in a rosette shape, giving the plant a spiky look. Other types of succulents have spiky, oval, smooth, or strappy-shaped leaves. Read more…
Identifying Types of Succulents – with Pictures | The …
In general, echeveria have thicker leaves than sempervivum or aeonium, though not as thick as graptopetalum. Here are some of the plant characteristics to look for when identifying succulents: Leaf – shape, size and thickness Color – of leaves, flowers or stems Read more…