Wedding Cake Succulents Flowers


Wedding Cake Succulents Flowers

wedding inspiration wedding cakes wedding cake fresh

wedding inspiration wedding cakes wedding cake fresh Source: website

pin kelly walsh parties large small

pin kelly walsh parties large small Source: website

succulent wedding cake succulent cakes

succulent wedding cake succulent cakes Source: website

Cakes with Succulents Flowers: Such a Sweet Idea!

Succulents have become an increasingly popular wedding flower in recent years, and naturally, cakes with succulent flowers are showing up more and more. As you'll see below, these beautiful desert flowers are incredibly versatile and can be a rustic, fresh addition to modern cake design, whether they are the real deal, or beautifully-crafted sugar flowers. Read more…

Unexpected Ways to Use Succulents as Part of Your Wedding …

Succulents come in a plethora of shapes and colors —viper's bowstring hemp features tall leaves with a dark green hue, while echeveria elegans showcase shorter, rounder mint shoots. You can even… Read more…

Top Succulent Wedding Cakes –

Succulents (sempervivum, houseleek, echeveria) or cactus are a versatile colorful plant that makes a beautiful accent to any wedding cake, birthday cake or baby shower cake. Cake Decorating with buttercream Succulents, or gumpaste succulents can be themed from modern, to rustic. Read more…
