Jellybean Succulent Care


Jellybean Succulent Care

sedum pachyphyllum fingers jelly beans world

sedum pachyphyllum fingers jelly beans world Source: website

jelly bean sedum rubrotinctum succulent pots

jelly bean sedum rubrotinctum succulent pots Source: website

items similar sedum rubrotinctum jelly bean succulent

items similar sedum rubrotinctum jelly bean succulent Source: website

How to Grow and Care for the Jelly Bean Plant in Containers

Take the jelly bean plant inside and display it in an indoor garden for the winter. Keep it by a western- or southern-facing window. Keep it by a western- or southern-facing window. Fertilizer: Fertilize in the spring and summer once a month with a cactus and succulent fertilizer . Read more…

Jelly Bean Plant Facts – Learn About Growing Jelly Bean Sedums

Succulent jelly bean care involves limited watering. If rain is available to the plant, additional water is probably not needed. When possible, allow an extended dry period between waterings. Read more…

Jelly Bean Plant-Sedum Rubrotinctum Propagation and Care …

Sedum Rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’ (Pink Jelly Bean Plant or Pink Pork and Beans) Sedum Rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’ or Pink Jelly Beans are similar jelly bean plants that have a pinkish-mauve tone. The care and propagation for these are the same as with the other jelly bean plant. Read more…
