What Is Pumice For Succulent Soil
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About Pumice: The Ideal Soil Amendment for Succulents …
For succulents and other plants that can’t sit in wet soil, improve drainage by amending beds with a mix of 25% garden soil, 25% pumice, 25% compost and 25% sharp (large-grain) sand such as decomposed granite. Read more…
Scoria and Pumice: Pros and Cons for Succulent Growing …
What is Pumice? Pumice is the preferred type of lava rock that is used as a soil amendment for succulents. It is different to scoria in that this rock is formed from the actual eruption of a volcano. Its reaction to air and extreme heat then creates a froth that then becomes a felsic rock. That is pumice. Read more…
Planting With Pumice – How To Use Pumice As A Soil Amendment
It also keeps clay soils loose over time for continued soil health. Pumice is a natural, unprocessed organic product that doesn’t decompose or blow away. Using Pumice as a Soil Amendment. To improve drainage for plants such as succulents, mix 25% pumice with 25% garden soil, 25% compost and 25% large grain sand. Read more…