What To Do With Leggy Succulents


What To Do With Leggy Succulents

etiolated succulents leggy prevent fix

etiolated succulents leggy prevent fix Source: website

succulents stretching leggy

succulents stretching leggy Source: website

succulents leggy

succulents leggy Source: website

Succulents Stretching and Getting Leggy? Why and What To Do

Trimming Leggy Succulents Trimming leggy plants is the quickest solution to fix the stretched look of the plant. It is not only easy to cut a succulent plant that has become leggy, but it is also a great way to propagate your plants and multiply your collection. Read more…

What to Do with Leggy Succulents | Espoma

What to Do with Leggy Succulents – Espoma Succulents love the sun and thrive when grown in proper light conditions. But you've probably seen or grown a succulent that gets leggy and stretched out. These leggy – or etiolated – succulents aren't getting the light they should in the space you have it. Read more…

What do do with Succulents Growing Tall – Stretched Out …

Succulents will look better if they get adequate sunlight, but they will continue to grow in low lighting. They won’t be quite as healthy or look as good as they should, but it will generally take quite a while (a year or two) for them to die completely in low light. If they aren’t getting any light though, they’ll die much more quickly. Read more…
