Growing Succulents To Sell


Growing Succulents To Sell

money selling succulents etsy succulents

money selling succulents etsy succulents Source: website

succulent planter guys stuff good

succulent planter guys stuff good Source: website

sempervivum green plants flower pots common houseleeks

sempervivum green plants flower pots common houseleeks Source: website

Seven Ways to Make Money with Succulents | Debra Lee Baldwin

These rosette succulents are popular because they resemble fleshy flowers, and interest will boom as even more jaw-dropping varieties become available. How to make $$$: Grow your own fancy ruffled varieties (by beheading; it’s easy) and sell them online, to florists and nurseries, and at farmer’s markets and garden shows. Speak at clubs and offer workshops in echeveria care, cultivation, propagation and design. Read more…

Succulent Plant Business; how to do it right

Sell direct and wholesale to garden centers – keep in mind that these places won't pay full price – you usually get 30-40% for your items, they get the rest. Enroll in the Succulent Plant Business E-Course and take your venture to the next level, or get started. Read more…

How to Grow a Succulent from Seeds | Succulents and Sunshine

Succulent seeds are tiny! Find out how to grow succulents from these tiny seeds so you can expand your collection! It's the cheapest way to get lots of plants, though it does take some patience. Read more…
