Blue Ice Plant Succulent


Blue Ice Plant Succulent

succulent blue ice plant plants kaw valley

succulent blue ice plant plants kaw valley Source: website

sempervivum pacific blue ice world succulents

sempervivum pacific blue ice world succulents Source: website

sempervivum pacific blue ice cool blue hens

sempervivum pacific blue ice cool blue hens Source: website

Succulent, Blue Ice Plant – Our Plants – Kaw Valley …

Senecio serpens is a spreading succulent from South Africa that grows 8 to 10 inches tall with 3 to 4 inch long blue gray pencil-like fleshy leaves. Mostly upright in habit, provides a beautiful contrast to succulent gardens and combination planters. Can be grown in sun or shade outdoors, or as a houseplant in a sunny window. Read more…

Sempervivum 'Pacific Blue Ice' – Mountain Crest Gardens

Sempervivum 'Pacific Blue Ice' (Gossett): A stunning, silvery blue cultivar that can flush pink to purple. It is a medium to large rosette with short cilia lining its leaves and rippling watermarks. It is a medium to large rosette with short cilia lining its leaves and rippling watermarks. Read more…

Corpuscularia lehmannii – Ice Plant – Mountain Crest Gardens

Corpuscularia lehmannii: Various types of succulents are referred to as Ice Plants, but Corpuscularia lehmannii (sometimes listed as Delosperma lehmannii) has a particularly distinctive form. Its angular, three-sided leaves are extremely fleshy with a smooth, blue-green skin. In the wild, it grows in rocky crevices in South Africa and has a deep taproot to endure full sun and periods of drought. Read more…
